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We were in line at the local coffee shop here in the San Francisco Bay Area on the weekend when our attention was caught by a youngster looking at the many colorful posters on the bulletin board.
She was entertaining herself by spelling out the letters, “reading” the signs for dog walkers and yoga workshops but stalled on the word “International” in purple print just at her eye level. Her father helped spell out the letters in the distracted way that parents have; which led to a series of questions in the very focused way that children have. The questions were not just about that first rather long and not-so-easy to decipher word, but continued about the words that came after. The poster read “International Women’s Day” and the stream of questions that followed included “do men get a day?” “Do kids get a day?“ “Why is there a day for women?” The harried parent was relieved of the need to answer by the timely arrival of a cup of hot chocolate. But that question lingered with us.

Women’s Day has been recognized every year on March 8 since 1911. Although it is more widely celebrated internationally than it is in the US, the origins of the observance can be traced to New York City in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through the streets demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. Much has changed since 1908, yet the entrenched complexity of patriarchy lingers. More than a century later, gender parity in the workforce is something we are still fighting for. As San Francisco Bay Area employment discrimination lawyers, we know; we’re in the “trenches” on a daily basis.
World-renowned feminist Gloria Steinem said “The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”
Here at the California Civil Rights Law Group, our attorneys have experience in successfully representing clients with claims under the Equal Pay Act against employers large and small in jury trials and arbitrations. If you have questions about unequal treatment, retaliation, or wrongful termination contact the California Civil Rights Law Group at 415-453-4740. With law firm offices in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Anselmo in Marin County, it’s easy to set up a confidential appointment with a Bay Area discrimination attorney.